BCDI Consumer Advisory Board

These quarterly meetings are a great opportunity for patients to talk to BCDI about how we can meet the best standards of comprehensive and compassionate healthcare. We want our patients to have the opportunity to come together and share ideas that might help the bleeding and clotting community.

We hope this also provides an additional avenue to connect with families that have common concerns and come together to create ideas that can have a positive impact on BCDI and the bleeding and clotting community.

What We Do:

  • The purpose of the Consumer Advisory board is to provide feedback to BCDI on how to enhance and expand patient services for all patients and their families.

Who We Are:

  • BCDI patients, family members or community liaisons are eligible to become members of the Consumer Advisory Board.

When We Meet:

  • Board meetings are held once every quarter and last one hour long. Most meetings are held virtually, but in-person meetings are also an option. Meetings aim to improve and deliver high standards of health care at BCDI.

Your Impact:

  • Past Consumer Advisory Board projects include:
    • Creation of BCDI patient resource folders.
    • Patient educational materials.
    • Improvement of clinic visit experiences.
    • And much more!

For more information please contact Marsha at marsha@ilbcdi.org.