Dr. Roberts will lead an educational dinner in Moline, Illinois on Monday, September 20, 2024. This event is free to attend, but you are required to sign up to attend!
The Bleeding & Clotting Disorder Institute, alongside Bleeding Disorders of the Heartland and Bleeding Disorders Alliance Illinois, are pleased to announce a FREE educational dinner at The River House in Moline, Illinois, on September 30, 2024. BCDI patients, their family, and community members can attend this event FREE of charge!
BCDI Associate Medical/Research Director Dr. Jonathan Roberts will present a discussion entitled “Optimizing Outcomes Beyond Treatment: The Value of Comprehensive Care for Individuals with Bleeding Disorders.“
- Living with a bleeding disorder requires lifestyle changes that not only affects the individual with the diagnosis, but their loved ones as well. That’s why the Hemophilia Treatment Centers of Excellence, like BCDI, utilize a comprehensive care model. This multi-disciplinary approach addresses whole patient care, including physical, mental and emotional concerns impacted by a diagnosis. In this interactive presentation, Dr. Roberts will explain the importance of expert care at comprehensive care clinics, which have a long-term track record of providing timely diagnosis, treatment plans and optimal outcomes for persons with bleeding disorders.
Space is limited, so register now to guarantee your spot! To learn more about this event and to sign up to attend, please visit https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/2w7czmk.